Thursday, March 8, 2007

Promotional Design Project - Stage 01

8 March 2007


To quantify use or mis-use of water in an average household, and looking at practical solutions to save water.


Not yet defined - Primary School level, possible between years 3-5.

The aim of game would be that by quantifying personal water use the children take ownership of the water shortage problem, and rather than thinking that they are powerless to do anything they can actively contribute to save water.

For instance.... how much water do you waste if you leave the tap running when you brush your teeth.... and, how much would that be if the whole family did the same, and what if every family in the school did the same.... and so on. No doubt there are many other examples that can be used!


Email to Melbourne Water - 8 March 2007

Hi Melbourne Water,

I got this email address from your website, and I was hoping you may be able to assist me with my project.

I'm a student at Box Hill TAFE currently studying for an Advanced Diploma in Multimedia. One of our projects over the course of this year will be to develop a computer based educational interactive game, and it's target audience will be primary school students.

We have been asked to develop an idea for a game, and I thought that as water usage, and/or misuse, is a much debated topic at the moment, it would be a great idea to create a game to help students to quantify their use of water.

For instance.... how much water do you waste if you leave the tap running when you brush your teeth.... and, how much would that be if the whole family did the same, and what if every family in the school did the same.... and so on. No doubt there are many other examples that can be used.

The aim of game would be that by quantifying personal water use the children may take ownership of the water shortage problem, and rather than thinking that they are powerless to do anything they can actively contribute to save water, and who knows, maybe they could even educate their parents!

I need help with my research, and I was wondering that if the project got underway Melbourne Water would be able to supply facts and figures on water usage, and assist with other materials that may be incorporated in the project. Of course any materials that you would supply will be appropriately acknowledged, and will be used with the understanding that it is a for student project only.

I'm very keen to develop this idea, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Hans Eijdenberg


Contact additional local water utilities to provide quantitative
information on water usage, and perhaps get them involved in the project

Conduct research into the perceived target audience's education level in relation to understanding of maths and language.

Research Reference Sites

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Human Computer Interaction Lab
Kindergarten Educational Software
Squigly Playhouse
Fun School Kaboose
South East Water

These reference site were collected as part of a group brainstorming session on how and where to find relevant reference material!

Photo reference: